Takahisa ZEZE


Takahisa ZEZE

Takahisa ZEZE, born in Oita Prefecture in 1960, started making first films during his philosophy studies at Kyoto University. After his graduation, he worked for the production company Shishi and made his feature film debut in 1989 with the pink film GOOD LUCK JAPAN. In the 1990s, he became one of the leading pink film directors and wrote many screenplays under various pen names. His film HEAVEN’S STORY (2010 / NC ’11) won the FIPRESCI Award at the 2011 Berlinale. In 2016, he had one of the biggest annual box office hits in Japan with the mystery drama 64.


楽園, 日本 2019 (監督) NC21
楽園, 日本 2019 (脚本) NC21
菊とギロチン, 日本 2018 (監督) NC19
菊とギロチン, 日本 2018 (脚本) NC19
Heaven's Story, 日本 2010 (監督) NC11
Raigyo, 日本 1997 (監督) NC09
Yuda, 日本 2004 (監督) NC05
Yuda, 日本 2004 (脚本) NC05
Moon Child, 日本 2003 (監督) NC04
Moon Child, 日本 2003 (脚本) NC04
ドッグ・スター, 日本 2001 (監督) NC03
ドッグ・スター, 日本 2001 (脚本) NC03


Film Talk: Takahisa ZEZE, NC21