Mitsuhiro MIHARA


Mitsuhiro MIHARA

Mitsuhiro MIHARA was born in Kyoto in 1964. He started shooting 8 mm and 16 mm films while studying at Osaka University of Arts. His first successes include SLAP HAPPY (1994), for which he won the New Director Award at the Osaka Film Festival. Nippon Connection screened his comedy film AMEN, SOMEN AND RUGGER MEN! (2000) in 2002. THE VILLAGE ALBUM (2004) was awarded Best Feature Film at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Since 2016, he has been working as a script writer for the ndjc project, which supports new directors. He is also a professor at Osaka University of Arts.


高野豆腐店の春, 日本 2023 (監督) NC24
高野豆腐店の春, 日本 2023 (脚本) NC24
Amen, Somen And Rugger Men!, 日本 2000 (監督) NC02